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- Tally ID: Tally | @senamakel
- Wallet Address: 0xeccE08c2636820a81FC0c805dBDC7D846636bbc4
- ENS: enamakel.eth
Flashloans allow for users to borrow/repay large amounts of ARTH in the same transaction with 0 to perform creative things such as leverage, arbitrage etc.
Flashloans have been around in DeFi for some time and enabling flashloans for ARTH will allow us bring more creative/DeFi use-cases for ARTH.
The Flashloan contract currently takes a 0.1% fee on the ARTH borrowed, to be paid in ARTH. This fee is adjustable and goes back to the DAO.
This is an important feature to allow DeFi users to take leverage with our upcoming lending protocol that we plan to launch.
Allow for the ARTH flashloan contract, which is currently deployed at to have minting and burning permissions for ARTH.
This contract is secure and has it’s ownership set to the MahaDAO governor (which means that MAHA holders will be the only ones voting to pause or change the fees for this contract).
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